Programming your transmitter involves a sequence of actions:


## Step 1: Collect Tools

– Remote control to program

– Vehicle owner’s manual [1][8]

– Backup key (when accessible) [1][9]

## Step 2: Get Inside Car

Verify all entry points are closed [2][8]

Position yourself in control chair [2][9]

## Phase 3: Insert Key into Engine Switch

Twist key to accessory mode without engaging motor [1][5]

Pause for instrument panel to engage [3][9]

## Phase 4: Activate Control

Find security control on transmitter

Depress continuously for 5 seconds [1][3]

Listen for audible signal [3][10]

## Cycle Ignition: Duplicate Steps

Turn key to ‘Off’ position [1][5]

Complete several iterations when required [9][10]

## Issue Resolution

Typical challenges include:

– Expired cell: Install new cell [4][6]

– Frequency conflict: Move away from devices [4][7]

– Sync error: Repeat process [5][11]

Professional tools like Autel KM100 can facilitate advanced situations [6][7]


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